Our Story

hello garden lovers,

our story of growing food starts over a decade ago.. but the love for gardening is in my blood from growing up with a master gardener (my beautiful mama). At some point we realized that we needed to eat healthier, you are what you eat right! then several years ago our sister posted a video going into detail about the food we consume, the chemicals that we are ingesting without even knowing it.. this was alarming to say the least..

during that time in our area, there was not a lot of organic options at the local stores so we slowly started growing our own food. over time we turned a barren deserty landscape (video clips below) into an edible garden oasis, with my wh’s (warrior husbands) creative designs and my passion for growing this beautiful creation, here we are a ways down the road growing a lot of our own fruits and vegetables on our half acre edible landscape.

but that’s not all.. I have found growing in the garden is the most rewarding type of therapy. we all face tragedy and loss in our lives, growing a garden helps me focus on the beautiful things, this beautiful diverse creation, not only does gardening produce the best quality food you can eat, it produces unexplainable joy, deep inside the soul.

it is my dream that every community have a garden to grow the healthiest food for their families and to bring people together.

enjoy your garden, tam🌱

spring 2016

summer 2022