growing food year round in Southern California
locate your growing zone by this great resource above by the USDA
check your last frost date here with this great resource by the USDA
keys to success in the garden🌱
soil health
we grow no dig as much as possible, one thing that we always focus on whether in ground or in containers is soil health.
feeding / fertilizing
making sure the plants have all of the nutrients needed throughout their growing cycle will help produce strong, healthy plants.
organic pest control & plant protection
here at SCG we work with nature.. the birds & the lizards eat the caterpillars, the road runners unfortunately eat the lizards😬 but when the balance is out of control we need to take action!
share your garden story
be featured! whether you’re growing in Southern California🌴or another part of the world 🌎 we would love to hear your story and share it with others.